Wednesday, May 14, 2008


I've been letting Natalie paint a lot lately. She's having a lot of fun with it. I ordered "Young at Art" and "First Art" off of Amazon and really like the ideas in the books. They both focus a lot more on the process rather than the finished product, which is perfect for this age. I'm excited to try more projects!


Holly said...

i need to get something like that. thanks for the tip!

KatieB said...

rylee is obsessed with painting.

Kelley said...

Oh, Nat, you little artist, you. Lovely work.

bethany said...

i'm a little afraid of letting Jakson loose with the paint---will it become my new wall color?

Audra Bollard said...

I'm assuming you meant to title this post "(Washable) Paint."

I read a cool blog recently about a Mom who strips down her kids and lets them "paint" in shaving cream, or even whip cream. Could be interesting if you're feeling really brave one day :)

My boys also think rubber stamps are really fun.

Heather said...

Those are fabulous!