Sunday, September 28, 2008

Annie's Tantrums

This is a face I make about 80 times a day. Especially if you look at me and try to get me to smile.

And this is what I do when the world has come to an end, or if my mom walks away from me for 2.1 seconds.


Sara said...

Tantrums start way too early don't they? Although we thought Brady's first couple of tantrums were hilarious.

Brooke said...

I'm glad to see that Ellie isn't the only one... Too bad the girls can't play and have tantrums together. Wouldn't that be fun!

KatieB said...

we should put izzy and annie on ichat together sometime and see if they can scare each other out of their tantrums.

Holly said...

she is cute even while having a tantrum! i just love her.

Heather said...

Dude! I have SO been there. Currently there in fact. Haddie does the same complete and total break down when I dare to put her down and leave her presence!