I'm pretty excited to read it, we discussed it at our book club last night, and it sounds like it has some pretty good advice. Have you read it? I'm curious to see what people think of it. I can't wait to get to the chapter on what to do with sassy 5 year olds and whiny 3 year olds. :) My children are not difficult mostly, but there are situations that come up where I'm at a loss on how to deal with it, so it will be great to get some good ideas!
haha, I put this on hold at the library a few weeks ago, but never got to pick it up. You'll have to let me know how it is.
I love the book. It's definitely one that you will need to reference. At least I do. :) I love how they teach you to teach your children how to make decisions, based on choices. I have an easy time parenting with Love and Logic with Jack and Isaac, but have had a really hard time with Eden. She is stubborn and so it's been harder for me with her. I'm excited to discuss it with you and see what you think!
How about whiny four-year-olds and sassy seven-year-olds? That's what I need help with. Oh and the 14 month-old who is really discovering her independence and voice (the screaming kind).
I'm already going crazy and grey. Might as well bring on #4 while I'm in the thick of it, right?
I'm totally going to put this on hold at our library now, thank you very much.
It is a great book and I'm sure you'll pick up some very useful tips. It's definitely a good thing when you know how you're going to handle a situation before it comes up. Life is so much easier when we are prepared! You're awesome!
We were told about this book just before our move to Utah. I LOVE it!
We did the love and logic course and thought it was really helpful. It is really practical...
We just started the "Have a new kid by Friday" and it is kinda like a NO NONSENSE "love & logic"!
Kinda hard to do (but really fun sometimes too) if you actually do it exactly how he tells you to do it--but if you do, you WILL have a new kid by Friday, we have 3 so far...still working on 1, but she's coming around! :)
I have the version for early childhood which is great for toddlers. I think it has a lot of good advice, but I also think they've never met a child like Katelyn.
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