Wednesday, March 19, 2008

It's been one of those days.

You know, the kind of day where you have to remind yourself that they really are cute.

Natalie has been on one today. She has definitely cried more today than Annie has in the past week. I'm not giving in to her, I am consistent with my why the crying when she doesn't get her way? I think she's testing me today, I guess I'm not perfect just yet. =)


bethany said...

I can TOTALLY relate! That's when you just shut them in their room for a little while and let them calm down-or cry themselves to sleep....I sound like a terrible parent, but it's better than getting angry or something. Good luck! :)

Holly said...

oh inez had a major meltdown in costco the other day because i wouldn't buy her a kite. it was a nightmare. i say we lock them in a room together in july.

Audra Bollard said...

way to stay strong! parenting is the hardest job in the whole world . . . I know because I've had plenty of those days too. ugh. but they are really, really cute aren't they?!

Heather said...

That is SO totally Benjamin right now. I feel your pain!