Monday, August 27, 2007

Book Exchange

My college roommates and I are doing a book exchange. We're sending each other some of our favorite children's books to add to our libraries. I received these two in the mail on Friday, what a pleasant surprise! Natalie loves books, and it's great to get suggestions for good ones. I thought these two were particularly fitting for Natalie, they're very cute stories, thanks Audra!


bethany said...

Hooray-it's working! I'm so glad-this is fun. Who will be next? It's such a mystery!

stephanie said...

we love the francis books at our house. they are so cute!

Danielle said...

Bread and Jam for Frances was my favorite book as a little girl!

Audra Bollard said...

glad you liked them! they may be a little old for her, but she'll grown into them. we also have "A Bargain for Francis" and it is hilarious too.

Brooke said...

love the frances books! love bread and jam, esp... and how she has a paper doily and a little vase of violets...