Friday, February 09, 2007

Stuffed Silly

Natalie is notorious for stuffing large amounts of food into her mouth. Like, for instance, a whole string cheese stick, a whole quarter of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, a whole cookie, etc. Then, I guess it just hangs out there until it breaks down enough for her to swallow. I am so lucky my child hasn't choked on anything yet.


Annie said...

Her and May should get together. Go to a chewing seminar or something.

Audra Bollard said...

This picture made me laugh out loud. I thought Luke took some hefty bites, but a whole string cheese stick is quite a feat!

stephanie said...

seriously, a whole string cheese? that is amazing.

Anonymous said...

She is so funny! We have the opposite problem with Brady- we can hardly get him to put anything in his mouth. We should get them together and maybe they will balance each other out.

Holly said...

When Inez saw this picture she said, "That's a picture of me when I was a baby!" When I told her it wasn't she said, "but why is her wearing my bib?"

Natalie is too cute. I love the chubby cheeks, even when they aren't filled with food!