*Going to Utah for Thanksgiving and visiting with James' family. His sister, Laurie, was kind enough to run in a 5K on Thanksgiving Day with me, so I did it! And I only walked for maybe 3 minutes, I completely ran the first and third mile, Laurie kept me motivated!
*Upon my return, I immediately became busy with making sure Enrichment night happened for 50 people, I had three days from when I got home, and luckily an amazing committee. So glad that's over.
*Decorating for Christmas, I love it, especially the tree. Natalie had a great time helping out with the ornaments this year. So there are about 20 ornaments on the bottom branches of our tree, I didn't move them because I thought it was so cute, and of course, just the right height for Annie to grab them off.
*Trying to get my now 14 month old to walk, she'll take a few steps, but she is convinced crawling is the best way.
*A fun sewing project to give away, I'll post pictures after I actually give them away.
*Just enjoying my girls, we have a lot of fun together. More posts to come with pictures.